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Friday, March 16, 2018

Jual HT Baofeng UV-5RE Murah Di Kota Jogja

Jual HT Baofeng UV-5RE Murah Di Kota Jogja – HT atau Handy Talkie adalah alat komunikasi dua arah yang menggunakan gelombang radio dengan jarak frekuensi tertentu. Kenapa menggunakan HT? Karena alat komunikasi ini bisa digunakan untuk berbicara langsung dengan lawan bicara dengan menekan tombol PTT atau push to talk tanpa harus menunggu panggilan diterima.

Jadi alat ini cocok untuk digunakan bagi Anda yang membutuhkan alat komunikasi untuk kondisi yang urgent misalnya untuk konvoy kendaraan, untuk mengelola event, untuk keamanan, dan sebagainya. Salah satu HT buatan Cina yang direkomendasikan sebagai alat komunikasi radio terbaik adalah HT Baofeng paling bagus seri UV-5RE yang memiliki desain lebih modern, fitur lebih lengkap, dan sinyal suara yang lebih baik sehingga bisa digunakan sebagai alat komunikasi indoor maupun outdoor.

Kelebihan yang menjadikan Baofeng UV-5RE ini sebagai produk yang direkomendasikan adalah desainnya yang lebih compact alias lebih praktis untuk dibawa ke mana-mana. Suaranya memiliki kualitas yang lebih bagus dan jernih, ditambah dengan adanya layar LCD yang memudahkan pengguna untuk memasukkan frekuensi yang ingin digunakan. Dan tentunya harga HT Baofeng UV-5RE yang lebih terjangkau dibandingkan dengan HT buatan negara lainnya yang harganya bisa jutaan meski spesifikasinya tidak jauh beda dengan Baofeng yang buatan Cina.

Baca juga : Baofeng HT modern dan terbaik di Indonesia

Untuk memilih HT yang paling pas dengan kebutuhan Anda, tentunya yang paling penting adalah spesifikasi teknisnya. Berikut ini adalah spesifikasi lengkap dari HT Baofeng UV-5RE:

  • Frekuensi: 136-174 / 400-520MHz
  • Dual-Band Display, Dual Freq.
  • Display, Dual-Standby
  • Output Power: 5 Watts
  • 128 Channels
  • 50 CTCSS and 104 CDCSS
  • Built-in VOX Function
  • 1750Hz Brust Tone
  • FM Radio (65.0MHz-108.0MHz)
  • LED Flashlight
  • Large LCD Display
  • Hight /Low RF Power Switchable
  • 25KHz/12.5KHz Switchable
  • Emergency Alert
  • Low Battery Alert
  • Battery Saver
  • Time-out Timer
  • Keypad Lock
  • Monitor Channel
  • Channel Step: 2.5/5/6.25/10/
  • 12.5/25KHz
  • Dimensi: 2.28” x 4.33” x 1.26” (W x H x D) tanpa antena

Baofeng UV-5RE memiliki jangkauan maksimal hingga 5 km, namun jika digunakan di lapangan terutama di daerah yang memiliki banyak halangan, HT ini bisa digunakan pada jarak hingga 2 km. Halangan yang bisa memengaruhi jarak jangkauan HT adalah misalnya seperti gedung, pepohonan, dan juga gelombang sinyal lainnya yang makin sibuk tentunya makin mengganggu sinyal radio HT. Namun jika digunakan untuk komunikasi jarak dekat seperti konvoy, event, keamanan, dan sebagainya, jangkauan yang dimiliki oleh HT Baofeng UV-5RE ini sudah cukup baik.

Baofeng UV-5RE bisa digunakan untuk berkomunikasi di frekuensi UHF maupun VHF. UVF atau Ultra High Frequency adalah gelombang radio yang bisa mempenetrasi bangunan sehingga cocok untuk digunakan berkegiatan dengan lingkungan yang banyak bangunan dan gedungnya. Sementara VHF atau Very High Frequency memiliki rentang frekuensi yang lebih rendah ketimbang UHF sehingga lebih cocok untuk digunakan di luar ruangan yang tidak banyak gedungnya. HT Baofeng UV-5RE menggunakan kedua jenis frekuensi tersebut untuk memastikan Anda bisa menggunakannya dengan kualitas yang lebih bagus baik di dalam maupun di luar ruangan.

Di sini kami jual HT di kota Jogja harga termurah dengan beragam merk HT. Anda yang membutuhkan alat komunikasi radio dua arah  yang harganya lebih murah namun spesifikasinya sudah cukup mumpuni untuk berbagai macam kegiatan.

Thursday, June 29, 2017

Daftar Harga Lengkap Genset Rumah Tangga Ukuran Kecil

Hidup dijaman modern penuh dengan kemajuan teknologi, seola-olah alat-alat elektronik menjadi kebutuhan setiap harinya. Alat elektronik sendiri dapat bekerja dengan adanya daya listrik, dari situlah listrik juga menjadi kebutuhan mendasar bagi setiap manusia. Kebutuhan itu dapat tertanggu bila terjadi pemadaman listrik dari PLN, manusia yang menggantungkan apapun dari eletronik yang dimilikinaya akan merasa resah bila terjadi pemadaman listrik.

Solusi dari masalah diatas yaitu harus memiliki genset. Mesin yang satu ini diproduksi bertujuan untuk membangkitkan listrik, ketika terjadi pemadaman listrik, genset sangat berperan karena dapat menyuplai daya listrik secara stabil, sehingga alat-alat elektronik pun akan tetap keadaan on bila sedang dipergunakan.

Ada beberapa tips dalam memilih genset yang tepat untuk rumah tangga, berikut tipsnya :
  1. Beli genset dengan voltase lebih besar dari kebutuhan listrik dirumah
  2. Hitung kebutuhan listrik dirumah terlebih dahulu
  3. Sesuaikan genset yang dibeli dengan lingkungan rumah tinggal, bila anda tinggal dikawasan padat penduduk belilah genset tipe silent yang tidak mengeluarkan suara bising. 
  4. Pertimbangkan dari merek satu genset ke genset yang lain, pilihlah merek yang memberi pelayanan terbaik yaitu adanya garansi, dan pelayanan terbaik bila terjadi kerusakan pada genset.
  5.  Beli genset yang menggunakan bahan bakar yang mudah didapat diarea tempat tinggal.

Jika tips diatas cukup membantu, kini saatnya anda harus tahu mengenai info harga genset bensin untuk rumah tangga terbaru dan murah yang bisa anda jadikan referensi dalam membeli genset, berikut info mengenai harga genset :

Harga Genset Merek Honda

  • 1.0 KVA   : Rp 8.390.000
  • 2.0 KVA   : Rp 9.510.000
  • 2.6 KVA   : Rp 11.250.000
  • 3.3 KVA   : Rp 12.830.000
  • 4.0 KVA   : Rp 17.330.000
  • 4.7 KVA   : Rp 18.340.000
  • 5.8 KVA   : Rp 19.920.000
  • 6.5 KVA   : Rp 21.600.000

Genset honda adalah salah satu merek genset terbaik, harga genset bensin diatas akan berbeda disetiap penjual. Meskipun bukan harga genset yang pasti, setidaknya bisa membantu anda dalam memperkirakan dana yang harus dikeluarkan untuk membeli genset.


HP : 0813-2614-9278 / 0877-3149-9488


Thursday, May 5, 2016

Will you Seriously Need Calcium Supplements?

Will you Seriously Need Calcium Supplements? - It’s a query I get many times a day time from women of most ages, but mainly from those in menopause or perhaps nearing menopause. The answer I more often than not give is “significantly less than you think.” And for some women.

Harus dibaca : obat hernia ampuh dan celana hernia anak

It’s not that We don’t think that lime scale is important

It is. Adequate calcium and supplement D are crucial for building and maintaining a wholesome bone mass.

But most women, apart from those that can’t tolerate dairy, already are obtaining a significant amount of calcium within their diet. So much to ensure that taking supplements adds little with their overall health.

Actually, the U.S. Preventive Services Job Force recently suggested against routine calcium and vitamin D health supplements for healthy postmenopausal ladies.

What harm can just a little extra calcium do me? 

More than it might seem. Too very much calcium can result in:

Kidney stones
Constipation (If constipation is an issue for you, try acquiring calcium with magnesium)
Trouble absorbing zinc and iron

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You may also have heard that taking calcium supplements can result in heart disease. It’s nonetheless an open question. Some research suggest up to 20% increase in cardiovascular disease in women and men who take supplements, but other analyses do not discover this risk, or think it is only in men rather than women.

My Recommendation

Unless you’re at improved risk for a fracture (you can calculate your fracture risk here), forgo the supplements and get your calcium from beverages and food. In the event that you don’t consume dairy, turn to non-dairy calcium resources. If you can’t get your complete advised daily allowance (RDA) of it from meals, only take as very much calcium supplementation as you will need to create up the big difference between dietary options and the RDA for your actual age group.

Are You TOO Good ????

When you’re dating family and friends, do you hesitate to speak up on the subject of where you’d prefer to move or what you’d prefer to do ?? Perform you let your lover take the lead generally in most circumstances, maintaining your own choices to yourself  ??? Or possibly you don’t even understand you judgemental because you are very much accustomed to just choosing what everybody else wants?

It’s wonderful to be obat hernia herbal and celana hernia magnetik good and accommodating, but when accommodating other folks is most of your focus and you don’t assert everything you actually want, you  as well as your relationships  suffer. Becoming overly accommodating could be draining and may leave you sense alienated and, eventually, unhappy. And it prevents others from having the chance to really get to know and appreciate you.

To live life even more fully as yourself, consider taking the next two easy steps:

Acknowledge your preferences. Before you share your needs and wants, you must know very well what they are. Therefore, commence by thinking about what would cause you to happy  generally speaking conditions but likewise in whatever circumstance you’re in.

Share with a person who enables you to feel safe obat perangsang wanita cair. Once you are more alert to the items you’d prefer, share your ideas with someone who is usually supportive, caring, and would like you to be content. Then, when a scenario arises where you judgemental, speak up about your desired option. Note that you’ll wish to be selective in who you decide to start to it’s vital that you feel backed in this first connection with being vulnerable.

With practice, you’ll get that you become even more comfortable acknowledging your requirements to yourself and posting them with others. Not really that you’ll ever before like conflict, but you’ll become more prepared to take the chance. And, as you have conflicts, you’ll find out that a lot of distinctions of thoughts and opinions are small  they don’t damage your relationships and will actually bring you nearer because you are becoming considerably more “real.” As you talk about more of yourself found in your relationships, your relationships will grow more powerful and you’ll feel more comfortable with yourself.

Entries for the Associations blog are for basic educational purposes only. They may or might not be relevant for your particular situation; and they should not be relied after as a substitute for individual professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. If you want help for an psychological or behavioral problem, please seek the help of a psychologist or additional qualified mental doctor.

5 Foods to Limit Your Hunger

5 Foods to LIMIT YOUR Hunger - In the event that you feel like you’re experiencing a long lasting circumstance of “the munchies,” you’re not by yourself. Many persons that I’ve counseled possess explained that feeling starving was the main reason they quit attempting to lose weight.

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The good thing is you don’t have to become a hostage to your hunger. Research has recognized compounds in particular foods that can support you are feeling fuller longer and ignore hunger hormones.  Listed below are five natural “food cravings stoppers” that will help you earn the fight of the bulge without sense famished.

1. Raspberries
Even though many berries offer health advantages, raspberries certainly are a hungerstopping standout. A onecup serving of frozen reddish raspberries has only 80 calories and an impressive 9 grams of dietary fiber. In fact, they’re among the richest resources of fiber you could find. Just because a fiber-enhanced diet makes persons feel complete sooner and much longer, it can help to reduce food craving. Raspberries provide a hearty dosage of vitamin C, manganese, and potassium.

Ways to get more in what you eat: Fresh raspberries certainly are a delightful summer time deal with. But don’t limit this delicious berry to the summertime season only. You can purchase frozen red raspberries throughout the year. Thaw at space temperature for some minutes and put them to chilly cereals, yogurt, and over salads.  A good way to enjoy them is usually in a scrumptious breakfast smoothie.  Blend 1 glass of both frozen reddish colored raspberries and non-fat milk with a moderate banana for 60 mere seconds, and you’re prepared to begin your day.

2. Seaweed
Seaweed is greater than a trendy garnish; it’s actual a cravings crusher. Seaweed offers been loved in Asia for years and years but is currently gaining recognition because of its hunger control and weightloss rewards. Seaweed contains lots of protein and dietary fiber, which help sluggish digestion and control bloodstream sugar and cravings. What’s even more, Japanese chemists possess discovered that the brownish pigment in wakame (a seaweed frequently found in salads and soups) known as fucoxanthin, which promotes excess weight loss. A study carried out at Hokkaido University in Japan noticed obese rats drop five to 10% of their bodyweight when fucoxanthin was put into their regular meals. Fucoxanthin functions by stimulating the creation of a proteins that escalates the burning of fat.

The way to get more in what you eat: Search for seaweed found in the ethnic food aisle at food markets aswell as at Asian or perhaps health food stores. You can utilize it in soups, stirfry and stews recipes. Additionally, there are some roasted seaweed snack foods. I love the Koreanstyle Sesame and Wasabi flavors of Annie Chun’s Seaweed Snack foods  they’re high in minerals and vitamins and 10 items have only 30 calorie consumption.

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3. Pistachios (…and additional nuts)
Nuts might be another surprise on this list. But studies also show that unlike popular myth, pistachios and various other nuts can help squash food cravings and control weight. Why? Nuts can help keep you fuller much longer, and research suggests their calorie consumption aren’t completely absorbed by your body. What’s even more, inshell pistachios give an unique benefit for waistlinewatchers. An initial research from Eastern Illinois University shows that persons who snacked on inshell pistachios consumed 41% fewer calories than those that ate shelled pistachios. The authors say the empty shells may be a helpful visual cue about how exactly much has been eaten, thereby possibly encouraging you to consume less.

Getting more in what you eat:  Nuts certainly are a wonderful addition to cereals, yogurt, and even your preferred dessert. There also ideal for a trail mix.  For my hikes, I take with you a mixture of pistachios, cranberries, and sunflower seeds.

4. Legumes (Coffee beans, peas, lentils, soybeans and chickpeas)
Legumes certainly are a triple danger to tame food cravings because they’re filled with fibers, resistant starch and slowtodigest proteins. In fact, a recent review in the Journal of Human being Nutrition and Dietetics, found that overweight persons who ate a beanrich diet plan lost almost 10 pounds in 16 weeks while also enhancing their blood cholesterol amounts. Another analysis released in the journal Weight problems found that persons who ate about 1 glass (5.5 ounces) of legumes felt 31% fuller than those that didn’t eat these fiberfilled food.

Ways to get more in what you eat: Keep beans and different legumes found in your pantry thus you’ll have them readily available for quickly, convenient, and healthy foods. I put them to salads and in addition use them for speedy soups, side dishes, burritos and chili.

5. Eggs

Eggs are actually another powerful tool found in your hungerfighting arsenal. One analysis in the European Journal of Clinical Nourishment found that when persons ate eggs for breakfast (versus equalcalorie breakfasts of either cereal or croissants), they consumed up to 438 fewer calorie consumption over the whole day. Other study indicates an egg breakfast can help control hunger for a complete 24 hours.

The way to get more in what you eat:  To keep bloodstream cholesterol in balance, limit your intake of eggs to at least one 1 yolk each day and make use of egg whites for the excess protein they provide.  Among my favorite egg meals is usually a breakfast veggie scramble that I help to make with 1 entire egg and 2 whites with leftover chopped vegetables and offered in a nice lowfat wholewheat tortilla.